Arks of Safe Haven

The mission of Arks of Safe Haven is to connect via an extensive database network and online message board, forum those individuals and families who have been affected by recent economic downfalls and are in need with those individuals who are ready, willing and capable of providing assistance to those in need with donations of shelter, work, food, clothing and other necessities. 

Arks of Safe Haven is a mission of Yahweh and Christ's ministry, The Light of Life Ministry. The essence of our ministry is to give the message that Christ's Kingdom is at hand and that the Judgment awaits those that do not respond favorably to the Kingdom via the Kingdom Message of Salvation. The Kingdom Message of Salvation outlines that salvation is available to all of mankind regardless of race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, or sexual orientation and is only dependent upon an acceptance of Christ as Lord and Savior and the heart condition of the individual - and not dependent upon man-made religious dogma and rituals such as water baptism and a belief in the trinity. 

Coupled with our primary mission of delivering the Kingdom Message of Salvation, the assistance of Arks of Safe Haven is available to all who are in need. Our purposeful intention is to follow in the footsteps of Christ as our example, by providing hope to the hopeless and answering the prayers of those who have been forced to live outside of